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R.Kunin � Ion Exchange Resins , R.E.Krieger Publ.Co.,Huntington, N.Y. 1972 .
A.K.Sengupta � Ion Exchange Technology ; Advances in Pollution Control ,Technomic Publ.Co., Basel , 1995 . Last update: TAJ218 (18.05.2012)
1. Basic principles of the preparation and combustion of the different fuels. 2. Co-generation unit, desulfurication of the flue gas. 3. I.and II. Law of the thermodynamic. Carnot cycle. Energetic equation. 4. Polytropic equation. Diagrams P-V,T-s, h-s (water-steam diagrams). 5. Clausius-Rankin cycle, adiabatic expension, improvement of the efficiency of the C-R cycle. 6. Thermical and thermodynamical efficiency, scheme of the steam generator in T-s and h-s diagrams, heat manufacture of the steam. 7. Reduction of pressure, exergie, comression work, heat balance. 8. Cooling on the low temperature, Linde, Kapica circuits. 9. Water treatment for industrial use, filtration, clarification. 10. Cooling water in the power plant and in chemical industry. 11. Ion exchange resins, work cycle of ion exchange resins, water treatment for steam generators, membranes. 12. Fuel for motors with inner combustion, circuits for Otto and Diessel machine. Notradition resource of energie. 13. Power cycle chemistry in the nuclear plants. Energetics and environment 14. Corrosion and Corrosion protection of the power plants.
Last update: TAJ218 (18.05.2012)