Subject gives survey about fermentation technologies and technologies of carbohydrates. Fermentation technologies describe the principles of fermentation technologies, production of malt, bier, spirits, vine, yeast and vinegar. Carbohydrates technologies include production of beet sugar, sugar as raw material for chemical and biochemical transformation, flour milling technology, baking production, pastes, durable pastry, snack products, chocolate, confectionery, starch production and modified starches. Last update: Kubová Petra (22.04.2021)
Z:Potter N.N., Hotchkiss J.H.: Food Science. Chapman and Hall Food Science Book. Aspen Publishers, Inc. 1998
D: Murano P.S.(2003): Understanding Food Science and Technology, Wadsworth Cengage Learning. ISBN 978-0-538-45108-6. Last update: Kubová Petra (22.04.2021)
Raw materials of fermentation technology 2. Malting 3. Brewing 4. Brewing 5. Production of Wine 6. Fermentation Chemistry and Technology, Production of Spirits 7. Production of Bakers Yeast and Organic Acids 8. Sugar Industry, production of beet sugar 9. Sugar as raw material for chemical and biochemical transformation, bioethanol 10. Production of chocolate, Confectioneries 11. Starch and Modified Starches 12. Cereals, Milling, Quality of Flour 13. Cereal Chemistry, Rheology and Analytical Methods 14. Baking Technology, Quality of Products, Bisquits, Snack Products, Pasta Last update: Kubová Petra (22.04.2021)
http://uchts.vscht.cz/materialy/erasmus/erasmus-sugar12.pdf Last update: Kubová Petra (22.04.2021)
To know detailed survey about fermentation and carbohydrates technologies. Last update: Kubová Petra (22.04.2021)
Biochemistry I, Food Chemistry Last update: Kubová Petra (22.04.2021)