The course introduces students to the discipline of management, especially in terms of its use in the work of a manager at any management level. In addition to the definition of basic concepts, attention is paid to the content structure of management both in terms of time and material. The focus is on the presentation of proven recommendations that fulfill the general managerial functions of each manager such as: decision-making, planning, implementation, control, organization, etc. The course will include a clear discussion of selected current management approaches.
Last update: Švecová Lenka (10.12.2021)
Credit: active participation in exercises, tests, participation in teamwork, solving case studies. Exam: mid and final test, oral exams. Last update: Švecová Lenka (08.09.2023)
R: ROBBINS, P. S., COULTER, M.: Management. 14th Edition. 2020. ISBN 978-0134527604. R: Other materials, presentations, files in e-learning. A: MCCORMICK, J.: First-Time Manager. Amaco 2018. ISBN 978-0814439692. A: PETER, J.P. & DONNELLY, J. H.: Marketing Management: Knowledge and Skills. 11th ed., McGraw-Hill. 2020. ISBN 978-0077861056 A: MAGRETTA, J.: What Management Is: How It Works and Why It's Everyone's Business. FreePress 2012. ISBN 978-0743203197. A: NELSON, B., ECONOMY, P.: Managing for Dummies. 2010. ISBN 978-0470618134. Last update: Scholleová Hana (16.12.2021)
Zápočet: aktivní účast na cvičení, testy, účast na týmové práci, řešení případových studií Zkouška: průběžný a závěrečný test, ústní zkouška. Last update: Švecová Lenka (08.09.2023)
1. Contemporary management concept, features of contemporary management, division of management (time and content aspect). 2. Manager profile. Position of manager in organization, level of management and their role, general principles of managerial work. 3. Management styles, manager authority, self-management and time management. 4. The prosperity of the organization and the factors that affect it. 5. Organizational development stages on the way to prosperity, development potential of customers, products, processes. 6. Historical management development. Classic period. Management of the 40th - 70s, management of the end of the 20th century, management at the threshold of the 21st century. 7. Managerial functions - Decision-making. Planning. 8. Managerial functions - Implementation (motivation, company documentation). 9. Managerial functions - Human resources management. 10. Managerial functions – Monitoring and Checking 11. Managerial functions - Organization. 12. Information and communication systems in management. 13. Corporate identity (culture, ethics, social responsibility). 14. Contemporary social trends and their influence on management (influence of globalization, digitization). Last update: Švecová Lenka (08.02.2021)