The aim of the course is to define the basic terms and contexts of marketing. Terms from the area of strategic and tactical marketing management are defined, the course also deals with customer behavior. This is a basic course which is followed by other marketing courses. Last update: Scholleová Hana (10.12.2021)
Credit: activity in seminars and ongoing tasks (30%), Case Study - Marketing strategy and analysis of the surroundings of a selected business entity (70%) Exam: Theoretical mastery of the topics covered (in the range of lectures, exercises and required reading), including practical application on specific examples will be tested by a written exam. Last update: Švecová Lenka (08.02.2021)
R: KOTLER, P. T., AMSTRONG, G. Principles of Marketing, 17th Edition. Harlow: Pearson, 2017. ISBN: 978-0134492513. R: KOTLER, P., KELLER, K. L. Marketing Management. 15th Edition. Harlow: Pearson, 2015. ISBN: 978-0133856460 R: KERIN, R., HARTLEY, S. Marketing. 14th Edition. McGraw-Hill Education, 2018. ISBN: 978-1260092110. Last update: Švecová Lenka (08.02.2021)
1. Introducing to marketing. Changing marketing environment, definitions, concepts. International marketing and globalization process. 2. Marketing management, core principles. Marketing audit, developing marketing strategies and plans, measurement and evaluation of marketing activities. 3. Marketing micro and macro environment analyses – analysing industries and markets. 4. Competitive strategy – five forces of competition, goals creating, strategies to build and achieve a sustainable advantage. 5. Information, external and internal information sources. Company information systems. Managing marketing information and gain customer´s insight. 6. Marketing research and forecasting – process, rules, methodology. Analysing customer and business markets. 7. Segmentation, identifying, analysing and creating market segments, targeting and positioning. 8. Customer Relationship Management - creating customer value, satisfaction and loyalty. 9. Product, services and brands – new products development and product life-cycle strategies, managing brands and brand equity. Product innovations. 10. Pricing, understanding and capturing customer value. Pricing strategy. 11. Marketing channels, retailing, wholesaling. Building e-commerce. Distribution strategy. 12. Integrated marketing communication strategy and tools of communication mix. 13. Ethic and legal marketing aspects. 14. New marketing trends and building direct customer relationship. Last update: Švecová Lenka (08.02.2021)