The aim of the course is to inform students with the basic procedures and methods of the evaluation of environmental components/elements in ecosystem (water, technology, biota). The specification of biological disciplines and methods of study is defined, including cooperation with other areas, such as chemistry, technology, environmental studies and practice. Biological methods based on hydrobiological analysis (microscopy) and microbiological analysis (cultivation) are used to evaluate the quality of different types of matrices (water, sediments, periphytons, biofilms, sludges). Methods of sampling, processing/pre-treatment of samples in the field and in the laboratory are characterized. Detailed specifications of the studied organisms (prokaryotes, eukaryotes). Interpretation of bioindicators of environmental conditions, including the possibility of their identification (surface water, recreational water, eutrophication, process water, treated water, wastewater, etc.). Last update: Říhová Ambrožová Jana (14.01.2021)
70% presence in laboratories, 30% protocols and testes. Last update: Říhová Ambrožová Jana (14.01.2021)
R:Říhová Ambrožová J.,Baumruková L.,Zuzáková J.,Vejmelková D.,Novotná J.,Biocenózy vodních biotopů – Biocenosis of Water Biotopes – Biocenosis de hábitat acuático,2020,ISBN 978-80-7592-064-5 R:Zelenakova M.,Hlavínek P.,Negm A.M.,Management of Water Quality and Quantity,2019,ISSN: 2364-6934,ISBN: 978-030-18358-5 R:Brown A.,Smith H.,Benson´s Microbiological Applications,Laboratory Manual in General Microbiology, www.mhhe.com,2014,ISBN: 978-0-07-76682-0 A:Říhová Ambrožová J.,Encyklopedie hydrobiologie,Encyclopedia of hydrobiology,el.version 1.0,2007,ISBN 978-80-7080-007-2,(e-learning in english) A:Říhová Ambrožová J.,Atlas mikroorganismů,Atlas of microorganisms,2014,ISBN 978-80-7414818-7,ISBN 978-80-7414-855-2(online:pdf),photos of microorganisms for microscopy and determination Last update: Říhová Ambrožová Jana (14.01.2021)
1. Specification of biological methods (principles, procedures, standards) 2. Methods of sampling, analysis, standards (legislation) 3. Specification of organisms (algae, micromycetes, bacteria, protozoa, multicellular) 4. Microscope, microscopy and techniques (preparations, staining, fluorescence) 5. Methods and principles of work in a microbiological laboratory (dilution, samples, media) 6. Cultivation techniques (aerobic, anaerobic) 7. Usage of microscopy in water technology (water and wastewater treatment etc.) 8. Evaluation of water quality, growths and biota, saprobiology (bioindication) 9. Usage of microbiological methods in the evaluation of water technology (water and wastewater treatment etc.) 10. Bioindicators, indicators of hygienic water safety and water quality 11. Eutrophication, pollution, toxicity 12. Screening methods and microbiotests Last update: Říhová Ambrožová Jana (14.01.2021)
Students will be able to: 1. Work with a microscope and prepare samples for microscopy. 2. Basic cultivation techniques, including confirmation and evaluation. 3. Use bioindication to assess the evaluated matrix (sample, environment, technology). 4. Apply the results of matrix analysis in practice. Last update: Říhová Ambrožová Jana (14.01.2021)
None. Last update: Říhová Ambrožová Jana (14.01.2021)