The course is aimed at acquisition of knowledge of presentation methods of own results and public performance at an Ms degree level. It covers also practicing of presented topics.
Last update: Kubová Petra (02.01.2018)
Ústní zkouška s přihlédnutím ke klasifikaci samostatných úkolů v průběhu semestru. Last update: MORAVCOJ (03.03.2018)
R: Bowater L., Yeoman K.: Science Communication - A Practical Guide for Scientists, Wiley-Blackwell, 2012 (978-1-118-44923-3)
A: Hirsch H. L.: Essential Communication Strategies for Scientists, Engineers, and Technology Professionals, Second Edition, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Hoboken, NJ, 2003 Last update: Kubová Petra (02.01.2018)
1. Odevzdání strukturovaného životopisu a motivačního dopisu. 2. Přednesení krátké přednášky na zvolené téma. 3. Příprava a přednesení krátké odborné přednášky. 4. Příprava a prezentace plakátového sdělení. Last update: Kubová Petra (20.12.2017)
1. Forms of communication, characterization of written and oral communication
2. Structured CV, motivation letter, personal archive
3. Oral speech forms and their characteristics, retorics, orator excercises
4. Rules for creation of poster communication, graphical arrangement, working with colors, poster presentation
5. Rules for oral short scientific communication, creation of accompanying illustrations, lecture presentation
6. Plenary and invited lecture on a conference, preparation, presentation, most frequent mistakes
7. Appearance in a discussion, query formulation, discussion control, session control
8. Preparation of a scientific publication, formatting of tables and charts, editorial process, referee’s opinion
10. Style, content and formal aspect of diploma thesis
11. Characterization of basic chapters of thesis, examples
12. Project preparation, creation of opinions
13. Non-verbal communication, emotional intelligence
14. Science results evaluation, bibliometry, scientometry, webometry Last update: Kubová Petra (02.01.2018)
Lecture notes at http://www.vscht.cz/lam/new/ Last update: Kubová Petra (02.01.2018)
Students will be able to:
Prepare and present a scientific communication, oral or poster, including graphical accompaniment
Master an oral presentation on a non-scientific topic, make a public performance
Prepare a working version of diploma thesis
Make use of non-verbal communication means
Apply the rules for writing publications, project proposals, and opinions Last update: Kubová Petra (02.01.2018)
None. Last update: Kubová Petra (02.01.2018)
None Last update: Kubová Petra (02.01.2018)