Goal of the subject is focused on the systemic extension of knowledges and monitoring of development of food technologies at the levels of chemical, microbiological, physical and engineering processes. The aim is focused on the component changes during technological processes including nutritional impacts in technological chain: preservation of agricultural products, processing of agricultural products and storage. The aim is based on the concept of unit operations and their sequence, systemic solution to operational deviation; solution of product defects. Energy saving, request for raw materials, wasteless technologies and waste utilization are emphasized. Concept of functional foods is followed in relation to high nutritional value of foods.
Last update: Filip Vladimír (13.09.2018)
Defense individually processed topic. Oral exam. Last update: Filip Vladimír (11.09.2018)
R: Fellows P.J.: Food Processing Technology, Principles and Practice, Woodhead Publishing,2009,ISBN 978-1-84569-216-2. R: Hui Y.H.(ed.): Handbook of Food Science, Technology and Engineering. Vol 1 - 4, CRC Taylor and Francis, 2006, ISBN:1-57444-551-0 (Vol.1);ISBN 0-8493-9848-7 (Vol.2); ISBN 1-57444-552-9 (Vol.3); ISBN 0-8493-9849-5 (vol.4). R: Bockisch M.: Fats and Oils Handbook. AOCS Press Champaign Ill.. Ill. 1998, ISBN 0-935315-82-9. R: Walstra P., Wouters J. T. M., Geurts T. J.: Dairy Science and Technology, CRC Press 2006. ISBN 9780824727635. R: Fuquay J., Fox P.F., McSweeney P.L.H.: Encyclopedia of Dairy Science, Academic Press, London 2011. ISBN-13: 978-0123744029. R: Z: Mohsen A.: Beet-Sugar Handbook, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2007, ISBN 9780471763475. R: Z: BeMiller J., Whistler, R.: Starch: Chemistry and Technology, Academic Press, 2009, ISBN 978-0-12-746275-2. R: Z: Henry C.J.K. a Chapman C.: The nutrition handbook for food processors. CRC Press, USA, 200, ISBN 1-85573-464-8. R: Stephen A.M.: Food Polysaccharides and Their Applications, CRC Press, 2006, ISBN 978-0824759223. R: Khan K., Shewry P.R.: Wheat Chemistry and Technology. Fourth Edition. AACC International, Inc., St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, 2014, ISBN 978-1-891124-55-7. R: Delcour J.A., Hoseney R.C.: Principles of Cereal Science and Technology. Third Edition. AACC International, Inc., St. Paul, Minnesota, USA, 2010, ISBN 978-1891127632. A: Somogyi L.P., Ramaswamy H.S. , Hui Y.H.(1996): Processing Fruits: Science and Technology, Volume 1, Biology principles and applications, Technomic, ISBN1-56676-362-2. A: Somogyi L.P., Ramaswamy H.S. , Hui Y.H.(1996): Processing Fruits: Science and Technology, Volume 2, Major processed products, Technomic, 1996, ISBN 1-56676-383-5. A: Smith D.S., Cash J.N., Nip W.-K., Hui Y.H.(1997): Processing Vegetables: Science and Technology, Technomic, ISBN 1-56676-507-2. A: Z: Velíšek J.: The chemistry of food. Wiley Blackwell, 2014. ISBN: 978-1-118-38381-0. Last update: Filip Vladimír (14.09.2018)
Introductory lectures and subsequent seminars, individual preparation of selected topics and their presentation. Last update: Filip Vladimír (11.09.2018)
none Last update: Filip Vladimír (11.09.2018)
The course covers a very wide range of biotechnological processes with a particular emphasis on the food preservation, cereal technology, technology of sugar, starch, chocolate and candies, dairy technology and dairy fermentation technology, technology of oils and fats, meat and meat products, fruit and vegetables, eggs and technology of ready-to-use food; procesing of food industry wastes and utilization of food raw materials for technical and chemical purposes as e.g. in oleochemistry and productioh of fuels.The first part of the lesson is therefore focused on the general principles applicable to all types of these processes. Attention is paid in particular to: a) the characterization and improvement of the technological properties of the biological agents of the technology, b) the latest trends in the development and application of unit operations of processes, c) the principles of management and monitoring of technological processes, d) the stability and risks of the processes. The second part is devoted to a comprehensive overview of individual types of technological processes according to the way of process control, respectively produced commodities. According to each student's focus, case studies are discussed in detail. Besides technological solution is carried their assessment of the economic and legislative point of view. Last update: Filip Vladimír (11.09.2018)
http://lipidlibrary.aocs.org/ http://www.aaccnet.org/ Last update: Filip Vladimír (13.09.2018)
Students will accurately understand the principles of the different types of technological processes. He / she will be able to design and develop functional technological processes composed of a complex of unit operations. He / she will be able to critically evaluate and compare technological processes in terms of their stability, functionality, safety and economic benefit. Students will also be able to manage specific process carry out its monitoring and evaluate of its risks and resolve of deviation of the proces.
Last update: Filip Vladimír (11.09.2018)
Magister study programme of chemistry, food chemistry or food technology. Last update: Filip Vladimír (11.09.2018)
none Last update: Filip Vladimír (11.09.2018)