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    LLL programmes without U3A
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    • Programme focus: Lifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age
    Number of found records: 9
    Title Programme code FacultyProgramme focusApplication submission deadline More info...
    Milestones in the Advancement of Technology III - Moderní výtvarné umění jako výsledek průmyslové revoluce C-K837-0024 Central University Departments of UCT PragueLifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age Detail
    Milestones in the Advancement of Technology - Architecture, lifestyle and industrial revolution C-K837-0024 Central University Departments of UCT PragueLifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age Detail
    Kořeny technické civilizace I C-K837-0024 Central University Departments of UCT PragueLifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age Detail
    Milestones in the Advancement of Technology IV - mobility C-K837-0024 Central University Departments of UCT PragueLifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age Detail
    U3V - Život s počítačem C-K453-0001 Faculty of Chemical EngineeringLifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age Detail
    U3V - Potraviny a výživa C-K352-0002 Faculty of Food and Biochemical TechnologyLifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age01.01.2025 - 01.09.2025 Detail
    U3V - Ochrana životního prostředí C-K251-0001 Faculty of Environmental TechnologyLifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age Detail
    U3V - S počítačem přátelsky od A do Z C-K150-0003 Faculty of Chemical TechnologyLifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age Detail
    U3V - Chemie a svět kolem nás C-K150-0002 Faculty of Chemical TechnologyLifelong learning programme - University of the Third Age Detail
    Results 1-9 of 9 1