SubjectsSubjects(version: 966)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
Elemental analysis - M402024
Title: Prvková analýza
Guaranteed by: Department of Analytical Chemistry (402)
Faculty: Faculty of Chemical Engineering
Actual: from 2020
Semester: winter
Points: winter s.:3
E-Credits: winter s.:3
Examination process: winter s.:
Hours per week, examination: winter s.:2/0, Ex [HT]
Capacity: unlimited / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
State of the course: taught
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Note: course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
enabled for web enrollment
Guarantor: Mestek Oto prof. Ing. CSc.
Šiškanova Taťjana doc. Mgr. CSc.
Incompatibility : M402001
Interchangeability : N402070
This subject contains the following additional online materials
Annotation -
Course is focused on basic methods of analysis of elements: chemical analysis (titration, gravimetric, photometric method), spectrometric methods (atomic absorption, fluorescence, emission and mass spectrometry) and electrochemical methods (potentiometry, voltammetry). Attention is also paid to the preparation of samples for analysis.
Last update: MESTEKO (23.01.2018)
Course completion requirements - Czech

Pro splnění ústní zkoušky musí student úspěšně zodpovědět dvě otázky ze seznamu otázek.

Last update: MESTEKO (22.02.2018)
Literature -

R: Cullen M.: Atomic Spectroscopy in Elemental Analysis, Blackwell, ISBN 1-84127-333-3

R: Skoog D.A., West D.M., Holler F.J.: Fundamentals of Analytical Chemistry, 7. nebo novější vydání, Saunders College Publishing, ISBN 0-03-38-005938-0

Skripta (czech): K. Záruba a kol., Analytická chemie, 1. díl, Vydavatelstvní VŠCHT Praha, 2016, ISBN 978-80-7080-950-1

K. Záruba a kol., Analytická chemie, 2. díl, Vydavatelstvní VŠCHT Praha, 2016, ISBN 978-80-7080-951-1

Skripta (in Czech): Černohorský T., Jandera P.: Atomová spektroskopie, Univerzita Pardubice 1997. ISBN 80-7194-114-X

R: Ebdon L., Evans E.H., Fisher A.S., Hill S.J.: An Introduction to Analytical Atomic Spectrometry. Willey 1998, ISBN 978-0-471-97418-5

Last update: MESTEKO (20.02.2018)
Requirements to the exam -

Students complete oral exam.

Last update: MESTEKO (23.01.2018)
Syllabus -

1 Gravimetry

2 Titrimetry: acidimetry anad alkalimetry, chelatometry, argentometry

3 Titrimetry: oxidimetry

4 Photometry

5 Atomic absorption spektrometry with flame atomisation

6 Atomic absorption spektrometry with electrotermic atomisation

7 Atomic fluorescence spektrometry and flame emission spectrometry

8 Inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry

9 Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry

10 Speciation analysis of trace elements

11 Potentiometry, pH determination, ion selective electrodes

12 Coulometry

13 Voltametry, polarography

14 Sample preparation and experiments in elemental analysis

Last update: MESTEKO (23.01.2018)
Learning resources -

Last update: Pátková Vlasta (05.01.2018)
Learning outcomes -

Students gain theoretical knowledge of various methods of elemental analysis: gravimetric and titration methods, optical spectroscopy (absorption, fluorescence and emission spectrometry), mass spectrometry and electroanalytical methods. Become familiar with the techniques of preparation of samples for analysis and the issue of ensuring clean environment in the trace lab. In addition to determining the total element concentrations, they are also familiar with the methods of speciation analysis using a combination of spectral and separation methods.

Last update: MESTEKO (23.01.2018)
Registration requirements -

Basic knowledge of analytical chemistry

Last update: Pátková Vlasta (05.01.2018)
Teaching methods
Activity Credits Hours
Konzultace s vyučujícími 0.2 6
Účast na přednáškách 1 28
Příprava na přednášky, semináře, laboratoře, exkurzi nebo praxi 0.5 14
Příprava na zkoušku a její absolvování 1.3 36
3 / 3 84 / 84