SubjectsSubjects(version: 963)
Course, academic year 2024/2025
- - Z110005
Title: Organická chemie II
Guaranteed by: Department of Organic Chemistry (110)
Faculty: Faculty of Chemical Technology
Actual: from 2022
Semester: summer
Points: summer s.:6
E-Credits: summer s.:6
Examination process: summer s.:
Hours per week, examination: summer s.:3/2, C+Ex [HT]
Capacity: unknown / unknown (unknown)
Min. number of students: unlimited
State of the course: cancelled
Language: Czech
Teaching methods: full-time
Teaching methods: full-time
Additional information:
Note: course can be enrolled in outside the study plan
enabled for web enrollment
Guarantor: Cibulka Radek prof. Ing. Ph.D.
Svoboda Jiří prof. Ing. CSc.
Is interchangeable with: N110005, AB110004, B110004
Examination dates   Schedule   
Annotation -
The second course of Organic Chemistry is devoted to the chemistry of carbonic acid derivatives, kumulenes, dicarbonyl compounds (ketones, oxo esters), amines and heterocyclic compounds, and organoimetallic compounds. The chemistry of natural products (saccharides, peptides, nucleic acids) is also involved. Principles of organic synthesis and and synthetic methods for preparation of all main groups of organc compounds are discussed. In the end, principles of structure determination of organic compounds (UV, IR. MS and NMR methods) will be shown.
Last update: SMIDOVAL (15.12.2005)
Literature - Czech

J. E. McMurry: Organic Chemistry, 6th Ed.

S. McMurry: Student Guide and Study Manual

Last update: SMIDOVAL (15.12.2005)
Requirements to the exam - Czech

Student může přistoupit ke zkoušce za následujících podmínek: 1. úspěšně složil zkoušku z Organické chemie I, a 2. získal zápočet ze seminářů Organické chemie II. Zápočet uděluje vyučující na semináři na základě výsledků práce studenta během semestru, která se kontroluje dvěma seminárními testy. Jednohodinové (50 min.) testy se píší na semináři během semestru a zadává je vyučující. Tyto testy se nenahrazují. Každý test je hodnocen 100 body. Z celkového počtu 200 bodů musí student získat alespoň 100 bodů, aby mu byl udělen zápočet. Seminární testy se obvykle píší v 6.a 13. týdnu. V případě, že student nesplnil předcházející kritéria pro udělení zápočtu, může napsat před zkouškou jeden souhrnný (zápočtový) test, který zahrnuje látku za celý semestr, trvá 100 min., hodnotí se 100 body a student musí získat alespoň 50 bodů. Zápočtový test se obvykle píše počátkem zkušebního období. Zkouška z Organické chemie II se skládá z písemné a ústní části. Zkoušková písemka trvá 120 min. a je klasifikována 100 body. Podmínkou postupu k ústní zkoušce je, aby student získal alespoň 50 bodů. Pokud tuto podmínku student nesplnil, je klasifikován známkou "F".

Last update: TAJ110 (02.02.2007)
Syllabus -

1. Functional derivatives of carbonic acid, kumulenes.

2. Dicarbonyl compounds. Claisen and Dieckmann reaction. Synthetic utilization of beta-Dicarbonyl compounds. Malonic acid ester synthesis. Conjugated addition reaction, Michael addition, Robinson annulation.

3. Saccharides. Structure, stereochemistry. Fischer and Haworth projections, conformation of saccharides. Anomers, mutarotation. Glycosides. Reactions of saccharides as carbonyl compounds and alcohols.

4. synthesis and degradation of saccharides, epimerisation reaction. Vitamin C. Disaccharides a polysaccharides.

5. Amines. Structure and bonding, stereochemistry of amines. Acidity and basicity of amines. Reaction of amines as bases and nuclephiles. Quaternary ammonium salts, phase-transfer catalysis. Hofmann´s elimination reations. Mannich reaction. Diazotation of aliphatic and aromatic amines. Reactions of diazonium salts. Azocoupling.

6. Amino acids. Structure and physical properties, acid-base properties, isoelectric point. Reactions of amino acids. Principles of amino acid synthesis.

7. Peptides a proteins. Peptide bond. Determination of peptide primary structure. Synthesis od peptides.Merrifield synthesis.

8. Heterocyklic compounds. Nomenclature, structure and aromaticity. Reactivity of furan, pyrrol, and thiophen. Principles of heterocycles synthesis.

9. Pyridine, reactivity in SE and SN reactions. Fused heterocycles: indol, quinoline, isoquiinoline. Alcaloids. Nucleic acid bases, nucleosides, nucleotides, nucleic acid structure.

10. Reactions catalyzed with transitions metals. Formalism, reactions in the coordination sphere. Cross-coupling reactions, hydroformylation and alkoxycarbonylation of alkenes, carbonylation of methanol, polymerization of alkenes, Wacker oxidation.

11. Synthetic methods of hydrocarbons and their derivatives preparation: alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, aromates, halo derivatives, alcohols and phenols, ethers.

12. Synthetic methods of hydrocarbons and their derivatives preparation: aldehydes, ketones, carboxylic acids and their functional derivatives, amines.

13. Strategy of organic synthesis. Principles of retrosynthesis, application to synthesis of more complex compounds.

14. Spectroskopic methods of the structure of the organic compoounds determination. Principles of UV, IR, MS, and NMR spectroscopy.

Last update: SMIDOVAL (15.12.2005)