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    Detail microcredentials kurzu

    Technologist of perishable foods (MC-324-0001)

    Vysoká škola chemicko-technologická v Praze
    Technologist of perishable foods
    Technologist of perishable foods
    The program of lectures and laboratory tasks is dedicated to persons who are responsible for the quality and safety of the production of perishable foods and meals (meat products, fruit and vegetable products, ready to eat meals). The course serves to acquire and expand knowledge for middle management of food business operators and for novice food business operators in the area of production and distribution of non-sustainable food and meals.
    The course consists of 168 hours, with 84 hours of direct lessons. 84 hours are dedicated to student's independent works (training, self-study). The program consists of a two-semester study of selected subjects. In the first semester, the following subjects are taught: Basics of food legislation, Basics of food preservation and microbiology, Basic systems of food safety and quality. In the second semester: Selected technologies of food of animal origin, Selected echnology of foods of plant origin, Operational and practical food evaluation laboratories.
    Completed secondary education
    Graduate has complex knowledges in the area of technology, safety, and evaluation of perishable foods. Graduate is able to lead the technological process and distribution of perishable foods. Graduate has basic theoretical and practical knowledges about technological procedures of the perishable foods manufacture. Graduate is able to deal technological and operational problems connected with the perishable food production. Graduate is able to suggest and perform technological modifications into the manufacture and technological process and also able to suggest the label of the product according to the legislative request. Graduate can perform and lead interim and final quality of the manufacture's products and is also able to implement and maintain hazard analysis and critical control points (HACCP). Graduate is able to communicate with supervisory authorities and customers about the quality and safety of the perishable foods and meals.
    Ševčík Rudolf doc. Ing. Ph.D.

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        168 hours
        obhajoba závěrečné práce
        Úroveň 4
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        winter semester
        Technologist of perishable foods
        Fakulta potravinářské a biochemické technologie
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        Beňo Filip Ing. Ph.D.
        Čížková Helena doc. Ing. Ph.D.
        Ševčík Rudolf doc. Ing. Ph.D.
        18000 Kč / kurz
        15.04.2024 - 09.09.2024
        Brzoňová Dana
        Rudolfová Eva Ing.
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