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Effective Scientific Writing (AI) II | |
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angličtina | |
Writing is an essential professional skill that can and should be learned. Having participated in Effective Scientific Writing (ESW) I, students bring to ESW II an understanding of (i) the core principles of good writing style, (ii) the key grammatical issues to be considered, (iii) the importance of structure in writing, and (iv) the need to give editors, reviewers and readers what they expect, both in terms of content and grammatical clarity, in each part of a research paper. In ESW II, this pre-existing knowledge, together with the new topics covered, is applied to the ‘meat’ of a research paper. As it progresses, ESW II evolves into a workshop, with the participants writing, editing, rewriting, presenting and receiving feedback on their own Introductions and Conclusions. Topics: (Examples and exercises mainly based on the scientific texts of non-native speakers) * Sentence flow: strategies for ensuring clear sentence connection and overall text coherence * Recognising and fixing bad flow * The basic rules of good paragraph design * Using parallel structure to improve readability * Model Introduction: structure brings clarity and flow to your 'story' * Mid-course presentations: your Introduction * Materials and methodology tips: getting it structured; keeping the prose normal and concise * Grammar for the Results and discussion: tense issues, the usefulness of relative clauses, modals * Structuring your Results and discussion: text-visual relationship rules; elements to be considered * R&d Case Study: structural and textual analysis of one student’s unedited R&d * Reaching the right Conclusion: making the right claims in the right tone * Punctuation is not random: the communicative functions of the main punctuation marks * Final day presentations: your Conclusion |
Effective Scientific Writing II | |
1 Text analysis: What are the key elements of good writing style? 2 Achieving clarity: keeping it simple, direct and concise; removing redundancy 3 Complexity as the enemy of clarity: recognizing what causes it and learning how to break it up 4 Articles change meaning: how to more regularly choose the one that accurately reflects your meaning 5 Key principles of word order: using them to guide and test your sentence structure (syntax) 6 'empty verbs' and 'lazy nouns': recognizing and eliminating nominalizations 7 Using phrases strategically: repositioning them to make your message stronger 8 Understanding clauses and sentence types 9 First impressions: the qualities of a good Title 10 Model Abstract: structure brings clarity and flow to your 'story' 11 Toning your Abstract: issues of tense, voice, verb and modality 12 Mid-semester and end-of-semester Abstract presentations: edited, restructured, edited again, rewritten to a publishable level 13 Revision 14 Revision |
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akceptace přihlášky student doktorského studia na VŠCHT v Praze předmět nabízen v modulu C absolvování kurzu Effective Scientific Writing I |
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Osvědčení o absolvování programu | |
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Riddell Craig Alfred B.A., M.Sc. | |
Ústav jazyků | |
Ústav jazyků | |
MS Teams | |
Riddell Craig Alfred B.A., M.Sc. |
2024/2025 | |
zimní i letní semestr | |
17.02.25 | |
1 | |
28 hodin | |
pondělí 15.00 - 17.00 úterý 8.00 - 10.00 čtvrtek 8.00 - 10.00 | |
Pondělí Středa |
0 Kč / kurz | |
osvobozeno |
On-line | |
Riddell Craig Alfred B.A., M.Sc. | |
Craig.Alfred.Riddell@vscht.cz | |
220443373 | |
12.02.2025 - 28.02.2025 | |