Low Temperature Fuel Cells - AM105028
Termíny zkoušek Rozvrh
The LT-FC course aims to introduce Low Temperature Fuel Cell to students and provide them with the basic science, material development and engineering related to the LT-FC topics. This will be useful for students oriented to the area of energy generation/storage, as well as those aiming to the automotive applications.
Poslední úprava: Paidar Martin (01.11.2022)
By the end of the course students should be able to
Poslední úprava: Paidar Martin (01.11.2022)
Completing a course is an oral exam. The requirement for an oral exam is a graduation project to advance the topic. Poslední úprava: Paidar Martin (01.11.2022)
Poslední úprava: Paidar Martin (01.11.2022)
1. Thermodynamics, Electrochemistry, Principles 2. Design and components of LT-FC 3. Catalyst and GDE 4. Gas diffusion media 5. Stack Assembly 6. Bipolar Plate design 7. Bipolar Plate PEFC/AFC characterisation 8. LT-FC degradation issues 9. Alkaline fuel cells 10. Flow field design Poslední úprava: Paidar Martin (01.11.2022)